When you first enter the world you will find your self in New Haven. Once you take your first steps you will be granted 100 in every skill along with being able to pick your starting stats ( Strength, Dexterity, and intelligence ). After this things can get a little overwhelming really fast. Which is why we are creating a quick walk though on how to get started here on The Forbidden Lands.

Each player is given One box of gear per account. ( 2 accounts per IP ) In this box you will find your starting items. One set of blessed gear with decent starting stats, some of which include 100% LRC, 40% LMC, 70's in all resistances ( unless you are an elf and then its 75% in Energy ) 4 FRC, and 8 FRC. There is some regens and HCI, and DCI in there as well.

Also in this box there will be all your spell books ( Magery, Bushido, Necromancy, etc ). One bag of runes with a rune book, a long with mark scrolls and recall scrolls. There is also a Two Story house deed in there that you can place where you would like ( 4 houses per Account ). As well as 25k in Gold there is 60k in Diamond coins, these diamond coins are used to purchase much of everything on the server minus Deco which gold is used to buy. We will cover Diamond coins later in this guide.

Before moving on, it's a good idea to check the donation box here in New Haven. (Remember New Haven is the Central Hub of activity)

Just to the east of the Donation box is where you can vote for your new home! Each vote will reward you a vote token as a thank you for your support. You can vote on each website once every 24 HR's. With you vote tokens you can spend them at the vendor stone right next to the vote books. You can also use the command [vote to bring up a gump, which will allow you to vote the same way as double clicking the books.

Next we are going to take a look at the Moongate's here on The Forbidden Lands. In the screen shot here you can see I circled the main points we will be talking about.

First on the list - Custom Area's

This will bring up the list that you are currently viewing. From this tab we will find the 3 places we are going to talk about. Item Drop Room, Training Room, and Diamond Rewards.

Second on the list to talk about - Item Drop Room

Here you can go view the gear sets that drop off of the many custom Mobs that we have here on the server.

Third on the list talk about - Training Room

Here you will find multiple items for free as well as the Training elementals and Taming Trainers we have set up to make life much easier for you.

Fourth on this list - Diamond Rewards

This is going to be one of the main places you are going to visit to spend those Diamond Coins that you have been looting from mobs in Trammel Zones as well as the custom Mobs that are spawned through-out the world. 

Here is a picture of the Item Drop Room for your Reference

Here is the Training Room, as you can see I have Highlighted a couple of key points to this room. First is the Animal Taming Training Area. This is where you will go to train Animal Taming. Walk though this area and Double click one of the two Statues there and they will spawn you a Mob to Tame. This Mob that spawns will not attack you, it just sits there and lets you tame away! The mob that spawns will be one that will give you the highest gains. ( Remember its not a grind here, skill gain is dramatically increased here). Once you tame the mob it will disappear and you just double click the statue again and rinse and repeat.

Next is the Green gate where you can go to start easy mobs for diamond coins. Unless you are brave enough to enter spots like Destard! This gate will take you to the east of New Haven, here are mobs like Earth Elementals and Skeletons to kill. 

After that you will notice the 5 Cryptos I have highlighted with my mouse. Cryptos are In-Game Currency that is rewarded buy spending time in game. You get 1 Crypto for every 5 Mins you are logged into the game. These coins are deposited directly into your bank account. You can use the 3 stones to the north to buy Items such as Slayer deeds, Custom Decro, Bank Bells, Stable Stones, and there are limited time items that are placed there.

Next we have the Diamond Coin Room!

Here is where you will spend all those pretty diamond coins. You get diamond coins from killing mobs in Trammel, not all mobs always drop coins. You also get them from killing the named Mobs we have spawned through-out the server. Be careful though these mobs are strong, you will want a pet to tank these mobs. Named mobs have a chance to Drop Diamond Coin Bars which I have circled in the screen shot. One bar is worth 500k Diamond Coins, they drop at a 1% percent chance. You can exchange Diamond Coins for bars and bars for Diamond Coins in this room just to the north of this screen shot.

if you take a look to the bottom of the screen shot you will see the Mounts I have circled here. These can be bought for Diamond Bars. These mounts are the same as the donation mounts. Here on The Forbidden Lands we like to give the players who can't afford or don't have the means to donate to the server a chance to get the same items. Which brings me to the next circled item to the top right of the screen shot. Here is a Tier 1 Donation Gear set that is available to purchase for Diamond Bars. There is also Donation Weapons that you can seen in the screen shot between the pets and gear that is circled. You can purchase these for Diamonds as well.

Next talking point will be Doom Artifacts.

North of New Haven bank there is a building that shows the buffed Doom Arties. We have buffed all of the Doom artifacts to be more in line with the server game play speed. This gives you a reason to go to Doom. Be carful though the Bosses in the Gauntlet have been buffed. Upstairs you will be able to see the rest of the items along with the craft able Doom Arties.

In your new player box ( the box each account gets ) there is a Master Looter. If you click on this item and go to setup you will be able to remove or add items you want your looter to pick up. To have items go into this Bag you have to say [Loot when you are near the corpse. This will loot all items you have selected in setup. I would suggest that you remove some of the default items that are there because it will have you grabbing everything on the corpse. You can have two different list options but one only active. You can have it delete all the corpses or just the empty corpses. If you have All corpses selected and you say [loot, it will delete the corpse and you wont be able to look in it. So make sure you have it set to grab what you want because there is no getting it back. Example being when you kill a Peerless Boss. If you don't have the ingredients selected it will delete them. Same for the Diamond Coins.

You can add single items, Like Bank checks, Gold, Diamond Coins and Bars. You can also add Items of Common type such as gems and Gear. This will show up as BaseArmor BaseJewel etc. on the Gump. All items selected will go into this bag and you can pull them out by opening the bag.

Play around with it before you set off on your big hunts.

Next we will do a quick run down the Quest Hall

On the Moongate under the Custom Area's Tab at the Bottom you will find the Quest Hall. This area was designed to give players small quest to the get items on their Journey. Some are much harder then others like the Diablo quest, so take care when starting some of them.

Here is a View of some of the special mobs that you can get. They are spawned through out the world. To get these mobs you will need at least 110 Taming and 110 Lore. They are a little less stronger then the donation/Diamondized Pets we have here. You can have up to 2 of these pets at one time once you get Pet Slot Increases which are purchasable with Diamond Coins or from the events that take place every Sunday. Each Pet take up 4 Control Slots the max control slots you can upgrade to is 10. With that mentioned it would be a good time to mention that Donation and Diamondized mounts only take up 3 Slots each. So you can have up to 3 of those and still have your Ethy Mount out. 

These Special Tames are not easy to tame either they will test your patience when taming them.

You can view most of the custom mobs here in the Customs Monsters & Pets area which is accessible through the Custom Area's Tab on the moongate 

The best starter pet if you are Starting by your self and there is no one to help you out or if you are lone wolf. Would be one of the following Pets Necromancer Goat and the Giant Golem. The Necromancer Goat will be located in Ilshenar Chaos, just make your way south and you will find him spawned in the ruins. The Giant Golem is located in the Spider Cave which is located North East of the Ilshenar Spirituality Shrine. You have to run through the spider cave to get to the Green Opening and there you will find the Giant Golem there to tame. Keep in mind both of these pets are strong and will pack a punch when you try and tame them.

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